Thursday 1 November 2018

Junior Clerk | Talati Exam Paper -30

Junior Clerk | Talati Exam Paper -30

Daily GK Updates Latest News Updates about the National, International and Miscellaneous events were listed here for the candidates preparing for various competitive exams.we are uploading daily Study Materials only in this post.sobookmark Our Website  in your browser for get latest study materials of gujarat all Competitive Study materials ,also you can save it and share with others. this Gujarat Police Bharti PSI Constable Exam Study Materials are helps in your practice to prepare for all Gujarat Police Bharti Exam .for more details check in Study Materials Sections in our website.

GK,GK Gujarat Daily GK Updates ,GK updates ,India General Knowledge ,Expected General Knowledge Quiz -Questions / Answer ,Gujarat GK, GK for Gujarat ,GK Updates Gujarat, GK Gujarat ,for All Competitive Exam -many Candidates are preparing for various governments competitive examinations and if they want to prepare their General Knowledge subject.they can check your knowledge with our post.Here are important current affairs -GK questions with answers that will help you all for any competitive exams.we have updates today daily Genral Knowledge Current affairs of of every day to day ,current affairs 2018 .this Current affairs /gk questions with answers that will help you all for Government Competitive exams - UPSC,SSC,IBPS,Banks and any other exams.We are uploading Current affairs in Image format because you can save it and share with others people. These current affairs are helps in your practice to prepare for all competitive examinations .Daily GK Updates Latest News Updates about the National, International and Miscellaneous events were listed here for the candidates preparing for various competitive exams.Please share with your friends this current affairs , general knowledge image and always stay with us for latest.

A mutual fund is both an investment and an actual company. This may seem strange, but it is actually no different than how a share of APL is a representation of Apple, Inc. When an investor buys Apple stock, he is buying part ownership of the company and its assets. Similarly, a mutual fund investor is buying part ownership of the mutual fund company and its assets. The difference is Apple is inthe business of making smartphones and tablets, while a mutual fund company is in the business of making investments.Mutual funds pool money from the investing public and use that money to buy other securities, usually stocks and bonds. The value of the mutual fund company depends on the performance of the securities it decides to buy. So when you buy a shareof a mutual fund, you are actually buying the performance of its portfolio.
                 Mutual funds invest in stocks, but certain types also invest in government and corporate bonds. Stocks are subject to the whims of the market and thus offer a higher return potential than bonds, but they also present more risk. Bonds, by contrast, provide a fixed return that is usually much lower than what an investor gets from stocks. The advantage of bonds is they are low risk. Only in an extreme situation, such as the complete failure of acorporation, does an investor not receive the return he was promised from a bond security. A mutual fund's investment profile depends on the type of fund. There are three main types: equity funds, fixed-income funds and balanced funds. 

Paper 1: Gujarat Language for 25 Marks Which is Objective Type Includes Grammar, Verbal Ability, Vocabulary, Comprehension Etc.
Paper 2: English Language for 25 Marks, It Includes Question Based on Vocabulary, English Grammar, Comprehension, Idioms Etc.
Paper 3: General Knowledge for 25 Marks it Includes Current Affair Psychological Matters.
Paper 4: Is General Laws for 25 Marks ,Question Based on Constitution of India, Criminal Procedure Code 1973, Indian Penal Code 1860,Evidence act 1872, Gujarat Police act 1951,Gujarat Prohibition act 1949,Prevention Corruption act 1988,SC&Amp;ST act 1989,Motor Vehicle Act 1988.
Names : Junior Clerk / Talati Exam Paper 30
Paper No. : 30
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File Size : 900 KB
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